Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mission accomplished!

Hello everyone! I finished my build today. I worked all day and the results were amazing. I custom fabbed an exhaust and got my bike running and took it for a spin. I'd like to thank everyone that has helped me from Here's a picture of the finished exhaust.

I know i still need my crank arms and pedals but I'm tight on cash so pegs work just fine for now. I just roll down a slope and start right up. Bye for now!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mounting the motor

Well today was kinda productive, in my 2 hours I had to work I installed my motor mount and dummied up me motor. Everything looks good so far, I will be taking my exhaust to my metals class in school to make it longer. Updates soon.

Monday, September 7, 2009

First build update.

Well I finally got the kit in the mail and started my build. I put on the gas tank, sprocket, CDI, and grips/throttle. It's all going well so far *knocks on wood*. I haven't received my motor mount yet, hopefully it will come on Tuesday. So I can't really do much until then. Oh yea, to get the sprocket on I had to file down where the bolts go so that it would all fit. And i put a custom airfilter on my carb.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Headlight and new seat!

Those you are looking at are the headlight I made and a new seat I bought today. The light runs off of 3 AA batteries. It's pretty bright. I built it from scratch using basic electrical knowledge. Hope you like!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Finally an update!

Hello again.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been busy and also ran into a funding problem so I had to wait that out. Well I finally ordered my motor from and my motor mount from barry0070_70_0 on ebay. I ordered an 49cc engine painted black and a black gas tank. So hopefully they should be here by the end of the week. I also decided to go with the pedal/motor functionality. Primarily because I could find a good fix for the foot pegs and so I need to buy a new procket and crank set. But that wont hinder the building of the bike so you will see more updates soon! :)

Well That's all I have to share with you now. Hope to blog soon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Let there be light!

Hello again! I finally installed my lights and stickers. Here's some pictures!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Monkeying Around!

Well I got my ape hangers today from I really like them, they look kick @$$ on my bike. They didn't perfectly fit, but I got them on tight. I might mod the clamps so It's an exact fit. But for now it works. I should be getting my stickers next week and my signal lights soon too. Can't wait to get my motor at the end of the month. I decided on going with They have great motors with good quality parts on the cheap. Well that's my blurbs for now. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Motor and pegs update

Hello again! Well today I got my motor! It's my friends old 47cc pocket bike engine. I had a pocket bike with this engine before and really liked it. The only reason I decided to build the occ was because it was too small for me. So now that I got the motor checked off my list I worked on a fix for my foot pegs. I couldn't weld the pedals because the welding shop I went to said it wouldn't hold. So I got the old foot pegs from my pocket bike I had left over and put them on. They look pretty good. I also ordered my tail lights, stickers, and I decided to go with ape hanger handlebars. So the bars should come on friday and the other stuff should also come soon. I will be building a custom mounting plate for the motor with some scrap metal from my local metal shop XD. That's all for now. Will keep you posted for updates soon.

EDIT: I decided to scrap the pocketbike engine idea. It would come out to be more expensive in the long run. I am still going with the regular bike engine. It will be 49cc.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Finished Seat

Well today I got my seat post and finished my seat set up. I have to replace the vinyl on the seat but for right now it works. I really want to thank Retmachinist from for the help he has given me. I would have never done it without him. Well that's all for now, have a good night.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Painting Update

I finally finished my painting on Sunday. It looks sweet! I put the bike back together and took some pics so here you go!

Pic2 Pic3

I'd like to thank all the people on the forums that gave me tips on painting. It really helped!

On another note, I also made a steering limiter. This may or may not be the final product because it is kind of flimsy. Your can see it HERE

Well that's all for now, I'm hoping to buy my motor mount tomorrow and some stickers so I will make another post when those come.

Have a good week!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Stripping Isn't as Fun as it Seems...

YES! That's right I stripped my paint of the occ today. It turned out pretty good. Here is a picture halfway through the process, you can tell the difference.
It wasn't fun but you gotta do it. I should be painting it either tomorrow or Sunday.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Painting Small Parts and Seat Sleeve

Well today I painted the fender, handlebars, and fork brackets. I really am liking this plastikote. I also got my seat sleeve in the mail from Retmachinist today! I really like it. The only problem is that there was this notch inside the original seat post so I accidentally got it stuck and had to pound the living guts out of it. It still works, but I wish i would have realized that I needed to sand down the notch. Here's a picture of the almost finished seat post.

Well that's all for today. I will hopefully be stripping my frame tomorrow and painting it, but I might save it until after the 4th of july. If I don't make another post Happy Independance Day to all my loved ones and friends. And to anyone who is actually reading this blog lol.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Crank That

Hello again! Well today I took my crank arm off to reverse it so I can weld them into foot rests. Thos pictures are of the final product of the crank arms and the sprocket that I had to grind off. I used a crank puller tool to get the arm off but it was the wrong kind so I had to modify it. I got the Park tool CCP-44. When I was supposed to get the CCP-22. My local bike store told me wrong. But it all worked out anyway. I should be getting my seat sleeve from Retmachinist tomorrow in the mail. If not then Wednesday. I ordered a 7/8" laid back seat post from the bike shop as well. Oh yea I bought the paint today. I chose to get stuff that would last so I bought Plasti-kote. It can get expensive. I paid $40 just for primer, top coat, clear coat, and paint remover. Now I really don't want to mess up. Well everything is going well so far *knocks on wood*. I will hopefully have another update tomorrow with the seat sleeve.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A picture and an update

Hello again! I made a quick sketch to plan out my paint job. The fork and fender will be gray, the frame blood red, and the fork attachments black. I will get more pictures of the bike when I do the painting hopefully next week. Right now I am just doing the boring parts, getting more rust off, stickers off, cleaning, taking it apart, putting it back together. You know stuff that needs to be done but isn't the most fun thing in the world. Well that's all for now. Bye.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hello World!

Hello! This would have to be my first blog post on my Schwinn Stingray Chopper Build. What this blog will be about is the process of turning a regular old bicycle into a gas powered speed machine using a chinese 80cc (66cc) engine. I decided to create this blog for all those people who need help on building one of these. My chosen method of this build is motorized only, so I won't be able to pedal on this, I will use a pull start. But it is the same method as if you kept the chain on. Mind you I am only 16 so please excuse any ill terminology and vocabulary. :) I got my bike for this build off of craigslist, I suggest you do the same and save some cash. My bike had some rust on it and some scratches, but I am pretty sure I will be repainting this bike. So i guess for day one I took off the tires, broke the chain so I could take that off, took off the rust, fork, handlebars, brakes, seat,and some stickers. I am currently on a forum called I love that place even though I am VERY new. I talked to a guy by the username of Retmachinist. He offered to help me with my seat upgrade. I have a limited budget so this blog will have a rough patch during the later month of july. I really am excited to show you all how it goes. Wish me luck!